i am using free dyn dns service on https://www.dyndns.com/ they require updating every 35 days i don't care. but the web-based updater tool is so terrible that it tends to apply the current ip address of browser in-use, which differs from …
http://japan.zdnet.com/news/software/story/0,2000052520,20089207,00.htm my question is, what differ from other desktop search as { msn desktop search, google desktop }?
http://debian.fam.cx/index.php?Japanese 4時間もかかったのは結局サーバ側のせいではなく、client側でした。puttyは細かな設定が出来てとても便利なツールだけど、文字コードを指定してやらないかんとは知らなかった!参りました