30歳過ぎから工学 vol.2

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/j130s/ から移行しました.オープンソースロボットソフトウェア技術者兼主夫. 高校・大学学部文系-->何となくソフトウェア開発業-->退職・渡米,テキサス州でシステムズ工学修士取得,しかし実装の方が楽しいと気付き縁があったロボティクス業界で再就職.現在 Texas 州内の産業用オートメーションのスタートアップに Georgia 州から遠隔勤務.


Omnifind Yahoo! edition

http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/USNEWS/20061214/256886/ if you would like to integrate and customize this into your system, i might consult you;;

build error on eclipse




DCS5.3 でDQL で以下を発行すると UPDATE "ccci_movie_butoh" SET "acl_name" = 'acl_movie-butoh_adm_document'エラー文言"DM_QUERY_E_TABLE_NO_ACCESS" が表示される。 http://www.dmdeveloper.com/articles/programming/messages53/dmquery.e.html 解法は…

室伏広治選手, 怪我でアジア大会出場回避

http://www.iaaf.org/news/Kind=2/newsId=36936.html Murofushi injuredAfter the withdrawal from the Games of double World 3000m Steeplechase champion Said Saaeed Shaheen of Qatar due to injury earlier this week, it was today announced that Ja…

job must be done "systematically"

job is not an artistic product. it should be done within exactness.

awarded papers of ipsj 全国大会 in recent years


shall the job be broken down into the smallest unit

so you may be able to make progress, even it would be a slight one though.

big picture

have a bird-eye. design a whole structure first.

fix FFQC1052E out!


問題現象: OmniFind パーサの設定でカスタムテキスト分析のmapping のxml ファイルをアップロードしようとしたら以下エラー文言表示し、アップロード不可 エラー内容: FFQC1052E 共通分析構造から XML 検索可能コンテンツへのマッピングをコレクション OFSD …

ESSearchServer 起動法


日本語文献が少ないOmniFind。日本語文献はとくに必要ないOmniFind。 Remote Federator のロード中に例外が発生しました。 例外テキスト = FFQQ0136E ホスト localhost、ポート 80 におけるサーブレットへ POST しようとして通信エラーが発生しました。HTTP …

embedding metadata of CreativeCommons using "ccpublisher"


http://creativecommons.org/technology/embedding it will open a virginroad of Creative Commons(CC) for me (i never tried to attach CC to my contents so far).i may be wrong but i understand the policy as follows.according to the site, the fu…

to avoid a problematic behaviour of unDonut like "スクリプトエラーが起きました。デバッグしますか?" on the popup.

http://donutp.com/bbs/srch.cgi?mode=srch&ALL=1&word=2892&logs=13.txt&no=0 No.2893/Re[1]: サイトを開くとデバッグしますか?がでます。 ■投稿者/ RAPT -(2002/09/27(Fri) 05:14:21) これは、Donutの問題ではなく、IEの設定です。インターネットオプショ…



http://japan.cnet.com/news/ent/story/0,2000056022,20236027,00.htm as my opinion, the uima technology mentioned here is just the advantage function. The main feature of this project must be the sensing technology which grabs information fro…

how to set update interval of ddclient

i set the value onthe /etc/init.d/ddclient program=ddclient # See how we were called. case "$1" in start) # Start daemons. echo -n "Starting ddclient: " # ddclient -daemon 300 ddclient -daemon 1200 echo ;;value of interval should be b/w 60…

msn desktop search can crawl into mindmanager

you can get it here: http://addins.msn.co.jp/

using tomcat5.x jvm bind exception


StandardServer.await: create[8005]: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind checking w/netstat -a, some process was certainly listening on 8005, but which one was no…

music intelligence


is google on a decline?


http://www.economist.com/science/PrinterFriendly.cfm?story_id=6911096 nobody believes google is declining. the article is very interesting 'cause the author pointed out the truth share prices have fallen, and some reasons. shown below is w…

unstructured webpages replaces the theory "hub & authority"


what is the definition of "structured webpages"? one source, http://www.ciojp.com/contents/?id=00002730;t=16 情報の有効活用をねらうすべての組織にとって、構造化されていないデータ(すなわち、データベース化や高速検索のためのインデックス化がな…


デジタル技術が支える人類の記憶―世界遺産 古都ドレスデン作者: 慶應義塾大学デジタルメディアコンテンツ総合研究機構出版社/メーカー: 都市出版発売日: 2006/03メディア: 単行本 クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るpublished by the institute…

spreadsheet on the webpage


http://japan.cnet.com/news/ent/story/0,2000056022,20096798,00.htm this technology can be useful as a web ui. sharing sports record on the web is like as if sharing one excel file with many personnels.



http://xoonips.sourceforge.jp/ apparently it is an extension of xoops. main feature: various itemtype(metadata set) handling metadata handling user can set schema freely harvestion interface is open compared to various file sharing service…

making camera-ready copy for xwict 2006


requirement : http://www.cs.ust.hk/~xwict06/submission.html url where you can obtain crc-template : http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/menuitem.02df7cde46985ea21618fc2e6bcd45f3/index.jsp?&pName=cscps_level1&path=cscps/cps&file=cps_f…

a hurdle on Documentum installation

http://www.dmdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?s=940bdce2062ed5eef1989f6f60fb7927&threadid=5533 when you install a software, read install manual, skim it at least.

search depending on one's instinct


below is the example of searching cars. is this really "instinctive?". http://www.team-lab.com/service/technology/visualization.html 800以上の車種について,ウェブサーバーのアクセスログデータをもとに車種同士の相性を独自のアルゴリズムにより…


there are already people who have thought of simular ideas, and been maintaining web pages. the following link seems to have the largest coverage of races in japan. 陸上の記録図書館: http://ducksoft.co.jp/kiroku_lib/index.html have coopera…

paper for evaluating record


documented by the who works for national organisation. http://www1.accsnet.ne.jp/~miyaji/binran.html there i only found paper w/o any implemented system. good points are: record should includes multimedia data(sentence, movie etc.) other t…

new tag. srcms means Sports Record Content Management System


ECM on the latest "open enterprise magazine"


IBM OmniFind v8.3 documentation

