http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/event/2007/01/29/14608.html vertically integrated solution. from device to the content この講義にもコンテンツを手掛けたいと思って受講している学生は多いと思うが、そのためにはコンテンツの技術だけを知っ…
http://japan.cnet.com/news/biz/story/0,2000056020,20341675,00.htm?tag=blogger.cr i am just interested in how it will be used and in the system architecture because i am not sure bout the law. where can i see the system design?
jcvgantt pro2 seems to show resources which are not assigned to any tasks. they are probably on other project files it has imported before. to remove this phenomena, edit the file %JCVGantt Pro 2 root%/Resources.pooland remove elements you…