30歳過ぎから工学 vol.2

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/j130s/ から移行しました.オープンソースロボットソフトウェア技術者兼主夫. 高校・大学学部文系-->何となくソフトウェア開発業-->退職・渡米,テキサス州でシステムズ工学修士取得,しかし実装の方が楽しいと気付き縁があったロボティクス業界で再就職.現在 Texas 州内の産業用オートメーションのスタートアップに Georgia 州から遠隔勤務.


troubleshoot of "cannot paste after copying (on windows xp)"


http://q.hatena.ne.jp/1158835071 i fixed the problem. i am not sure what was the cause but after booting clipbrd.exe i can paste.


宇宙工学入門〈2〉宇宙ステーションと惑星間飛行のための誘導・制御作者: 茂原正道,木田隆出版社/メーカー: 培風館発売日: 1998/10メディア: 単行本 クリック: 8回この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見るI begin to realize there are so many of books about sp…


銀河鉄道の駅―宇宙ステーション (フロンティア・テクノロジー・シリーズ)作者: 山中龍夫出版社/メーカー: 丸善発売日: 1987/06メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るFrom this book you may newly know: time sequence of space development pl…

Texas might be possibility...

I got acceptance from agent for Texas University Arlington college. BUT it is for Bachelor course. my inquiry still going on...

example of ms in japan, ph.d in u.s.

it should not be that much rare case i guess thoought, but this is the first result of that i have been trying to find an example. http://kagakusha.net/modules/weblog/details.php?blog_id=62 she must have perfect performance when she applie…

3 plans to consider for studying in grad-school

a. this year enter undergraduate school overseas, study hard and get good gpa and enter grad-school with a scholarship. also with RA contract if lucky enough b. this year enter grad-school in Japan, study hard and get good gpa and enter gr…

free data modelling tool : dbdesigner



Georgia Tech University ASDL(Aerospace Systems Design laboratory)

I happened to know 2 graduate schools I got big interest. One is Keio University's ceremonially opened SDM(System Design Management). About this I will try describing later. here pasted a link to MIT's SDM that seems the basis of Keio's es…

宇宙からの帰還 by 立花隆

宇宙からの帰還 (中公文庫)作者: 立花隆出版社/メーカー: 中央公論新社発売日: 1985/07/10メディア: 文庫購入: 5人 クリック: 32回この商品を含むブログ (56件) を見る

rule of after-read entry

i just deligate general after-read-opinion to other people. here on this diary i only describe action item coming up to my mind action rule i learned