30歳過ぎから工学 vol.2

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/j130s/ から移行しました.オープンソースロボットソフトウェア技術者兼主夫. 高校・大学学部文系-->何となくソフトウェア開発業-->退職・渡米,テキサス州でシステムズ工学修士取得,しかし実装の方が楽しいと気付き縁があったロボティクス業界で再就職.現在 Texas 州内の産業用オートメーションのスタートアップに Georgia 州から遠隔勤務.




What special is it is not ordinary lecture textbook, but a fiction and is about a declining maker company trying to introduce "Knowledge Management" to revive.
At the beginning, only 2 personnels works full-time in the president-managed BRP special team. After 2 years KM system introduced and suprisingly, sales amount is 20% up!
Reader can understand the procedure when you introduce BPR into an organization, mainly because the story goes periodically. Because the domain field handled this time is Knowlege Management, you can apply what you understand to another business field.

What I was impressed personaly is how a personnel who was from IT infra maintenance section works. He joined the BRP team on the halfway, and managed development of KM Information system. He struggled between client(=BPR team) and solution provider(= IT infra team and SIer). I cannot think someone's problem that his work at the final second before this campaign release...