30歳過ぎから工学 vol.2

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/j130s/ から移行しました.オープンソースロボットソフトウェア技術者兼主夫. 高校・大学学部文系-->何となくソフトウェア開発業-->退職・渡米,テキサス州でシステムズ工学修士取得,しかし実装の方が楽しいと気付き縁があったロボティクス業界で再就職.現在 Texas 州内の産業用オートメーションのスタートアップに Georgia 州から遠隔勤務.

FISH Recruiting mtg at JAXA

The most impressive QA were like this:
Q-1: At college I am specializing in information systems. In the future I like to become chief system designer and finally a Project Manager. Questions are 2: 1) About how old are they? 2)Are they original grown up in JAXA or Mid-career?
A-1: 1) PM are over 50s. Chief designers are called Leaders and are over 40s at least.
Q-2: Your career showed you have worked for testing man-made satellites. Have you ever imagined that after lift-off of satellites you would have gone to outerspace and fix them by hand?
A-2: Yes, but actually a little. What I tend to think stronger is I would have tested MORE.

After those conversation, I like to ask this to them: "Is your passion changed after years you have worked for JAXA and the spacecrafts?"

At night I saw DVD.
ショーシャンクの空に (UMD Video)

ショーシャンクの空に (UMD Video)

I don't remember how often I said to myself a word "H-O-P-E" after finished watching.
Japanese experimental module on International Space Station is called "Kibo" meaning also a "HOPE". Not sure what association though, nothing but a follwing wind to me.