30歳過ぎから工学 vol.2

http://d.hatena.ne.jp/j130s/ から移行しました.オープンソースロボットソフトウェア技術者兼主夫. 高校・大学学部文系-->何となくソフトウェア開発業-->退職・渡米,テキサス州でシステムズ工学修士取得,しかし実装の方が楽しいと気付き縁があったロボティクス業界で再就職.現在 Texas 州内の産業用オートメーションのスタートアップに Georgia 州から遠隔勤務.

How to fetch mail from exchangelabs.com using GMail

# 今日の記事はここの記事(著者: 私)とほぼ同内容です.
My university(UT-Arlington) gives faculties and students e-mail availability using Microsoft's hosting service called "exchangelabs.com" which delivers a webmail user interface. The problem of this e-mail service for most of the users might be that they need to visit often exchangelabs.com viewer in addition to the primary e-mail viewer they're using on a regular basis. For instance I am usually using GMail webmail-viewer(https://mail.google.com/mail/) to see/write for 15 e-mail accounts I'm using *1execpt for hotmail.com and UT-Arlington mail. GMail(and probably mail.yahoo.com and other webmail viewer) has a function that lets you fetch mails from multiple other accounts into itself. If one can manage all emails with a single e-mail viewer, it would save significant amount of time and emotional distress that comes from that "Oh, I have to check UTA's mail regularly...".
So here's how you can fetch exchangelabs.com's email into GMail*2.
0. If you don't have GMail accout, create it on http://gmail.com/
1. Now you have an account on GMail. On GMail window, click "setting" on the upper right.
2. Click "Accounts".
3. In "Get mail from other accounts:" row, click "Add another mail account".
4. On "Add a mail account" display, Enter your email address of exchangelabs.com.
5. On "Edit mail account" display, put following information.

    • Username: (email address on exchangelabs.com)
    • Password: (password)
    • POP Server: pop.exchangelabs.com
    • Port: 995

6-1. On the same display, check "Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server."
6-2. Additionally, I recommend to check "Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail." in order to avoid others to theft your mails.

That's all you have to do, but moreover, if you'd also like to send emails using UTA email address on GMail, do the following:
7. do 1 and 2 above
8. In "Send mail as:" row, click "Add another email address"
9. On "Add another email address" window, put Name and Email address as required and click "Next step"
10. Click "Send verification"
11. On GMail or exchangelabs.com you'll get an email from GMail Team. Confirm your request following the direction written in that email and now you can choose UTA address as a sender's email address when you edit an email on GMail.

*1:Which includes yahoo.co.jp, my ex-university's, cell-phone's and so on

*2:I'm not sure about mail.yahoo.com and others, but they must have the same function and you can try by yourself.