(elapsed time: 25 min.)
趣向を変えて社説より, 最初の 2段落を. 日本語としてはボロボロでも, とにかく誤解しない事を重視で行きます.
医療法案への共和党の反発が日増しに強くなるのを受け, 民主党は協調路線を捨てることを迫られつつある. オバマ大統領は, 各地を遊説して回る中で両党の賛同を呼びかけてきたが, 激しい非難を浴び, 公表しているどの計画にも含まれていない案に対する反対意見を受け流すことにかなりの時間を費やして来た.
August 19, 2009, 12:42 pm
Obama’s Health Care Mistake? By The Editors
(Updated, Aug. 19, 5:55 p.m. | Karlyn K. Campbell, a professor of communication studies at the University of Minnesota, joins the discussion.)
With Republican opposition to health care reform hardening by the day, the Democrats may be forced to push forward on their own. President Obama, who has barnstormed the country and called for bipartisan buy-in, has been met with vociferous attacks on his motives, and has spent considerable time fending off objections to ideas that aren’t in any plan.
Did President Obama make a strategic mistake by letting Congress take the lead in crafting legislation while he talked about general principles without having his own specific plan to present to the American people? Or has he, by going this route, avoided the blunders of the Clinton administration when it took on health reform in 1994?
(to continue.)
オバマ大統領は,具体的な案を国民に提示する事なく一般原則を語り, その間に議会にリードを取らせて法案をうまいこと作らせるために, 戦略的にわざと間違えたのか?或はこうして, クリントン政権が 1994年に犯した失態を回避しているのか?