(elapsed time: 15 min.)
1. 医療法案,民主党は独自路線へ
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Compiled 2 AM E.T.
1. Democrats Seem Set to Go It Alone on a Health Bill By CARL HULSE and JEFF ZELENY
Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul.
2. An Unexpected Ally’s Road to Championing Same-Sex Marriage By JO BECKER
Theodore B. Olson, a conservative legal star, hopes to reshape the legal and social landscape, fighting a gay marriage ban in California.
共和党の異議が強まるにしたがい, 民主党は予算見直しへの少数派の協調の可能性は低いと見ていると述べた.